Friday, February 26, 2010

Khasiat Temulawak

Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb) merupakan tumbuhan tahunan yang hidup merumpun dan berbatang semu berupa gabungan beberapa pangkal daun yang terpadu. Tiap batang memiliki 2-9 helai daun, bunganya berukuran pendek dan lebar, warna putih atau kuning tua dan pangkal bunga berwarna ungu.

Temulawak berkhasiat untuk mencegah dan mengatasi beraneka macam penyakit. Berbagai khasiat dari temulawak, antara lain, gangguan lever, mencegah hepatitis, meningkatkan produksi cairan empedu, membantu pencernaan, mengatasi radang kandung empedu, radang lambung dan gangguan ginjal.

Selain itu, temulawak juga bisa menurunkan kadar kolesterol tinggi, anemia/kurang darah, melancarkan peredaran darah, gumpalan darah, malaria, demam, campak, pegal linu, rematik, sakit pinggang, peluruh haid, keputihan, sembelit, ambeien, menambah nafsu makan, batuk, asma, radang tenggorokan, radang saluran nafas, radang kulit, eksim, jerawat, meningkatkan stamina, radang kandung empedu dan batu empedu.

1. Untuk gangguan lever, gunakan 25 gr temulawak dan 30 gr daun serut/mirten direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, saring dan airnya diminum selagi hangat.

2. Pada radang sendi, rematik, pegal linu, ambil 25 gr temulawak berikut 20 gr jahe merah direbus dengan 400 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, saring dan airnya diminum.

3. Untuk peluruh haid, gunakan 25 gr temulawak diblender dengan air secukupnya, saring lalu tambahkan madu secukupnya dan diminum.

4. Bila sakit radang kandung empedu, gunakan 30 gr temulawak diiris-iris lalu direbus dengan 500 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, saring dan airnya diminum.

5. Untuk mengatasi batu empedu, gunakan 25 gr temulawak, 30 gr meniran dan gula aren secukupnya direbus dengan 500 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, saring dan airnya diminum.

6. Menurunkan kadar kolesterol tinggi, gunakan 20 gr temulawak kering ditumbuk halus lalu diseduh dengan air panas secukupnya dan diminum hangat-hangat.

7. Mengatasi masalah radang lambung, gunakan 30 gr temulawak dipotong kecil-kecil lalu direbus dengan 500 cc air hingga tersisa 200 cc, saring dan airnya diminum.

8. Mengobati batuk dan radang saluran nafas, gunakan 25 gr temulawak diparut, tambahkan air matang secukupnya, saring lalu tambahkan madu secukupnya dan air perasan 1 buah jeruk nipis, kemudian diminum.

9. Untuk meningkatkan nafsu makan, ambil 25 gr temulawak, 10 gr asam jawa dan gula merah secukupnya direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, saring dan diminum.

Lakukan resep ini dua kali sehari secara teratur. Sedangkan, untuk penyakit berat/serius disarankan untuk tetap konsultasi ke dokter.

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Sumiyanti Indonesia - terima kasih ->admin's
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bandwitch logical

Most hosting companies offer a variety of bandwidth options in their service. But what is really bandwidth to do with web hosting? simply, bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed between your web site
and Internet networks. The amount of the bandwidth provided by a hosting company is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public Internet.
Network connectivity
Internet, in a simple context, is a group of millions of computers connected to a network or network. In the Internet connection can be large or small depending on wiring and equipment used on a particular internet location. Is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available. For example, if you are using a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have a 1:54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Therefore, the bandwidth is measured in bits (a 0 or 1). Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information sent between your computer and the internet.

If you have a DSL connection connected to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your Internet provider. But your internet provider may have hundreds of DSL connections to their location. All these connections are on your internet provider who then has its own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connection) that is greater than your single connection. They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all other customers. So while you have a connection Mb 1:54
to the internet your provider, your internet provider may have a 255 Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 users (255/1.54).

A simple analogy is used to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think like roads and vehicles. Bandwidth is the amount of foundation that can be taken on the highway and traffic is the number of vehicles on the highway. If you was the only vehicle in the road, you can travel with you very cepat.Jika hours stuck in traffic, you'll travel very slowly since all paths are in use
Traffic really is the number of bits in transmitted in a network or network connection. To facilitate the understanding of the traffic is to use an example. One Gigabyte is 2 in 30 magnitude (1,073.741.824) bytes. One gigabyte is equal to 1.024 megabytes. In perspective, it takes one byte to store one character. Imagine 100 file cabinets in a building, each cabinet holds 1000 folders. Each folder has 100 papers. Each paper consists of 100 characters - A GB is all the characters in a building. An MP3 ranged between 4MB, the same song in wav format ranging from 40Mb, a film can range from 800MB to 1000MB (1000MB = 1GB).

If you transfer an MP3 from a website to your computer, you will create a 4 MB of traffic between the web site you downloaded the source and your computer. Depending on the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer can take place very quickly, or it can take time if other people are downloading the same file at the same time. If, for example, a website where you download has a 10 MB connection to the Internet, and you only connect one web site to download your MP3, 4 MB file you will be the only traffic on the website.

However, if three people all the same MP3 downloads at the same time, 12 MB (3 x 4 MB) of traffic that has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10 MB of bandwidth, means that there are people who have to wait. Network equipment at the hosting company will be cyclical through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at the same time so that each person has a file transfer, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slow. If 100 people all came to a particular site and download the MP3 at the same time, the transfer for each person will run very slowly. If the host wants to reduce the time needed to download the file permanently, it must increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (and the required lawyer-upgradean

Bandwidth Hosting
In the example above, we discussed traffic in terms of downloading an MP3 file. However, each time you visit a website, you creates a traffic, because you are displaying a web page on your computer, the first web page downloaded to your computer (the web site and you) are then displayed using browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc..). The page itself is a file that causes traffic as MP3 files in the example above (however, a web page is usually smaller than a music file).
A web page can be very small or large depending on the amount and the amount of text from the image-quality integrated gambaryang in senuah web pages. For example, a homepage for a range 200 KB (200 kilobytes = 200.000
bytes = 1,600,000 bits). This is usually large for a web page. In comparison yahoo home page ranges from 70 KB.

How Bandwidth What is needed?
It depends on (his bete denger this answer). But in fact, is yes. Since bandwidth is a very significant set of hosting price, you should consider how much you need. Almost all hosting companies have a monthly bandwidth in the calculation, so you must take into account the amount of bandwidth required by your site each month.
If you do not intend to provide features download files from your website, the formula for calculating bandwidth is very clear:

Daily average Web visitor x The average Web page is displayed x The average Web page size x 31 x Fudge Factor
If you intend to allow people to download files from your website, your bandwidth calculation should be:
[(Average Daily Web Visitors x Average Web Page Published x Average Web Page Size) + (Average Daily
Download File x Average File Size)] x 31 x Fudge Factor

Let us consider each statement in the formula:
Daily average web visitor - the estimated number of people visiting your website, on average, every day. Depending on how you market your site, this number can range from 1 to 1,000,000.
The average Web page is displayed - On average, the number of web pages on the show to someone. If you have 50 web pages in your website, some people may only display 5 of each page each time they visit.

The average Web page size - The average size of your web pages, in kilobytes (KB). If you have designed your site, you can calculate this directly.

Average daily Download File - The average number of downloads you expect to happen on your site. This is a function of the number of visitors and how many visitors to download a file, on average each day.
Average File Size - Average file size of files that can be downloaded from your site. Same with your web page, can be downloaded, you can calculate this directly.
Fudge Factor - A number greater than 1. using 1.5 more secure, which it is assumed that you are estimating by 50%. However, if you is not sure, you can use 2 or 3 to ensure that appropriate bandwidth needs.
Typically, hosting companies offer bandwidth on a scale Gigabytes (GB) per month. This is why our formula takes the count and average mengkalinya with 31.

Most personal or small business scale sites will not require more than 1 GB of bandwidth per month. If you have a web site that consists of static web pages and you need a little traffic on your site daily, then use a small-scale bandwidth. If you use the amount of bandwidth you teralokasikan based planning, your hosting company will charge fees based on usage, so if you think traffic to your site will be significant, you may need to calculate the amount of the Estimate of the bandwidth required in a hosting plan.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Khasiat Lidah Buaya

Lidah buaya (AloeVera)

Aloe vera daripada famili Liliaceae ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai lidah buaya atau lidah jin mengandungi banyak khasiat. Kebiasaannya, ia terdapat di kawasan tanah yang berpasir dan bercuaca panas serta kering.

Pada masa kini, lidah buaya dijadikan sebagai tanaman untuk perhiasan yang ditanam di dalam pasu atau di halaman rumah. Selain cantik untuk perhiasan, ia juga mempunyai pelbagai kegunaan terutamanya dari segi perubatan.

Apabila diramas, daun lidah buaya akan mengeluarkan jeli yang mana dapat digunakan sebagai bahan kosmetik untuk mengurangkan kedutan terutamanya pada kulit muka dan tangan. Ia juga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pelembab dan pelembut untuk kulit dan rambut serta dapat digunakan untuk menyubur dan menghitamkan rambut.

Malah, tidak hairanlah “tanaman ajaib” ini telah digunakan sejak zaman Firaun di Mesir lagi untuk merawat kecantikan ratu-ratu Mesir. Dan kini, terdapat pelbagai produk Aloe vera untuk kecantikan di pasaran seperti Mustika Ratu, Sari Ayu, Ratu Ayu Solo dan sebagainya.

Di samping itu, jeli lidah buaya yang sejuk dan segar itu dapat digunakan untuk mengubati luka-luka kecil, terbakar, bengkak dan edema. Ia juga digunakan untuk mengubati penyakit sembelit, gatal-gatal pada kulit, pembengkakan salur darah pada anus dan pemikiran yang tidak dapat dikawal.

Walaupun rasanya pahit, lidah buaya sebenarnya berguna untuk mengubati penyakit leukimia (lebihan sel darah putih dalam badan) dan barah paru-paru iaitu dengan memakan bahagian dalamnya yang berjeli. Bagi kanak-kanak, ia boleh digunakan untuk mengubati penyakit-penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jangkitan yang mengakibatkan batuk kokol dan gatal-gatal pada saluran pernafasan.

Ia juga boleh disapu pada badan untuk mengurangkan panas dan bahang. Selain itu, daun lidah buaya juga dapat digunakan sebagai anti-biotik, anti-bakteria dan anti-kulat serta mengubati kecederaan tisu disebabkan oleh radiasi.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Petua Meredakan Batuk & Sakit Tekak

Batuk akan menyebabkan rasa sakit di perut dan gatal-gatal di kerongkong. Cubalah mengikut petua ini:


1. Ambil sedikit kerak nasi dan rendamkan dalam air suam. Apabila kerak nasi kembang, minum airnya. Amalkan setiap pagi.


2. Rebus beberapa biji buah pisang masak. Setelah lembik campurkan santan secukupnya serta sedikit garam dan perasa vanila. Setelah 20 minit, makanlah makanan tadi dengan mencampurkan sedikit gula. Selain anda mendapat kenikmatan suara anda semakin pulih.


3. Tumbuk segenggam daun pegaga, hingga lumat dan tapis untuk mendapatkan airnya yang pekat. Campurkan dengan gula dan embunkan selama satu malam. Minum dua kali seminggu.


4. Campurkan dua sudu teh madu lebah (pastikan ianya asli) dengan air suam. Kacau sehingga sebati. Kemudian minum tiga kali sehari.


Mengurangkan Batuk

Ambil satu ataupun dua sudu nasi panas yang baru saja masak. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam cawan dicampurkan sedikit air. Setelah itu, embunkan nasi tersebut selama semalam. Keesokan harinya, minumlah air tersebut. Ulangi petua ini hingga beberapa hari. Insya Allah, batuk anda akan sembuh dengan segera.

Merawat Sakit Tekak;

Jika anda menghidap sakit tekak, anda perlu mendapatkan beberapa keping asam keping. Asam keping ini hendaklah dibakar hingga menjadi hangus. Setelah itu ditumbuk dan digaul dengan sedikit air sirih. Setelah itu sapukan pada bahagian tekak anda yang sakit. Insya Allah tekak anda akan sembuh seperti sediakala.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

change the Bad Mood to be Good Mood

The past often keep a bad memory that we wish to remove from the list of memories. Unfortunately not easily free ourselves from anger or resentment. Yet research shows most diseases come from anger to himself.

Anxiety, depression, anxiety, insomnia and physical illness is a bit of the disease had caused anger factor. By forgiving and say the word sorry, we actually had to take back control of our lives. Plus a positive bonus to health. One of them drop in blood pressure.
In a study of the Stanford-Ireland Hope Project, Frederic Luskin Thoresen Carld PhD and PhD doing research on the impact of forgiveness. In this study involved 17 men and women who once discharge members of murder victims. For some time the respondents are given training "forgive".
After a week, 35 percent of the respondents who lost spouses, children, parents or siblings were reported reduced headache disease. Likewise, the various stress-related illnesses other. Meanwhile, 20 percent of respondents claimed to reduce symptoms of depression.

Many people admit, gave the word apology is not an easy thing. However, there are 5 ways that we can use more sincere heart to forgive as described by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Inner Peace for Busy People.

1. learn to know purpose of forgiveness
In general, people do not want to forgive because they feel it is the same as other people said did not do wrong, or we make peace with someone who has hurt us.

Joan Borysenko, PhD, a psychologist, said the pardon was the thing about releasing anger that has been holding you. This is tantamount to accepting you are wrong and decide to free themselves from a painful thing.

2. Grief for the lost
So that we can genuinely forgive, we must feel sorrow. This takes time but once you decide to release the anger, the heart will feel lighter gradually. In time, the memory of past events are more often remembered and it was no longer painful.

3. Do not wait for an apology
Sometimes we find people who have hurt us do not realize what he did wrong. Or maybe they were not able to understand and empathize. An apology from these people are able to heal wounds, but decided to throw an apology hope there also have the same impact.

4. Trying to understand the reasons
The fact is, bad behavior is the result of a less mature emotion. This is evident from the majority of perpetrators of crime experienced physical or psychological violence in his childhood. Empathy will help us to erode the sense of anger, and even change our lives.

5. Welcome to come
Life is a school where we learn many things, including painful. We can not shy away from pain. But we can choose to get out of the shadows of our lifelong grudge.

Choosing to let go and move on will make you into a new individual. This will give you the maturity and compassion for others and also yourself.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Ulam Raja Tingkatkan Pengaliran Darah

Ulam raja
Cosmos caudatus
Famili: Compositae

Ulam raja adalah herba semusim, berasal dari Amerika Tropika. Orang Sepanyol memperkenalkan herba ke Filipina, Indonesia dan Malaysia.
Herba ini adalah herba semusim mencapai ketinggian hampir satu meter. Batangnya berwarna hijau tua dan keunguan sedikit. Kebiasaannya herba ini bercabang banyak di bahagian atas.

Daunnya bergaris bentuk ovat atau segi tiga dengan anak daunnya yang runcing, kesat dan berwarna hijau tua. Bunganya bertangkai panjang, berwarna kuning keunguan. Daun herba ini mengeluarkan bau apabila diramas.

Ulam raja tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Melayu. Herba ini semakin popular sebagai ulam. Pucuk atau daunnya yang muda dimakan sebagai ulam dan biasanya digaul atau dicolek dengan sambal udang kering atau kelapa di samping nasi.

Ulam raja juga dicampur dengan pucuk ulaman lain sebagai ramuan nasi ulam atau nasi kerabu. Sebagai sayuran tradisional, herba ini dimasak lemak atau dicelur.

Masyarakat desa mengenali Ulam raja sebagai ubat dan amalan memakan ulam ini dikatakan dapat membersihkan darah dan menguatkan tulang.

Secara kebetulan, Ulam raja mengandungi khasiat makan yang tinggi. Dalam tiap-tiap 100 gram (g) bahagian yang boleh dimakan mengandungi: air 93.1 g, protein 3 g, lemak 0.4 g, karbohidrat 0.6 g, serat 1.6 g, kalsium 270 miligram (mg), fosforus 37 mg, ferum 4.6 mg, natrium 4 mg, kalium 426 mg, karotena 3568 ug, vitamin A 595 ug, vitamin B1 0.13 mg, vitamin B2 0.24 mg, niasin 0.2 mg dan vitamin C 64.6 mg

Ulam raja mudah dibiakkan dengan cara menyemai biji benih. Biji yang cukup masak boleh disemai terus ke batas. Ulam raja sering ditanam di sekitar rumah. Herba ini mudah hidupnya dan tidak memerlukan jagaan yang rapi.
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