Friday, June 25, 2010

Daun Jambu Batu: Penawar demam denggi

Demam berdarah yang ditularkan lewat nyamuk aedes aegypti ini memang disebabkan oleh virus. Dan, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus biasanya akan sembuh dengan sendirinya, setelah masa kritisnya lewat.

Namun, mengobati penyakit yang bisa berujung pada kematian ini tentu tidak bisa sembarangan. Diperlukan penanganan yang tepat agar bisa sembuh, meski demam berdarah memang bisa disembuhkan dengan bahan-bahan alami alias herbal. Oleh karena itu, menurut Dr. Amarullah H. Siregar DIHom, DNMed, MSc, PhD dari Klinik Bio RX, sebelum mengobatinya, kita harus tahu lebih dulu mekanisme penyakit ini.

Karena sistem kekebalan tubuh juga diserang, sistem antibodi ini juga perlu dibereskan. Ini bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan alam atau mengonsumsi jus. “Kalau hanya dengan jus sudah bagus, boleh-boleh saja. Tapi, kalau belum, bisa digunakan bahan-bahan alam yang lebih spesifik. Yang lebih penting dari itu adalah mengantisipasi terjadinya perdarahan,” lanjut dokter naturopati ini.

Bagaimana cara mencegah perdarahan? Berdasarkan hasil riset, daun jambu biji adalah bahan yang paling bagus untuk menaikkan trombosit, sehingga perdarahan bisa dihindari. “Menurut penelitian, memberikan air rebusan jambu biji bisa menaikkan jumlah trombosit sampai 100.000/mm3 dalam tenggang waktu sekitar 16 jam,” papar dokter yang menempuh pendidikannya antara lain di Inggris ini.

Sedangkan penelitian pada kelompok penderita yang hanya mendapat infus dan tidak minum air rebusan daun jambu biji, trombosit baru naik setelah 33 jam. Padahal, titik rawan penyakit ini adalah 24 jam. “Kalau sudah begini, trombositnya harus segera dinaikkan,” tutur Amarullah. Memang, tuturnya, jumlah trombosit ini akan naik dengan sendirinya bila masa kritisnya sudah lewat. “Tapi masak mau menunggu sampai kritis dulu? Iya kalau selamat. Kalau enggak kan, repot.”
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

5 most thrilling Location for Making out

5 most thrilling Location for Making out5 most thrilling Location for Making out
Refresh boredom with the occasional naughty fantasy you and your partner.
Felt monotonous sex life? Refresh boredom with the occasional naughty fantasy you and your partner.

Perform activities flirt or a quickie in the middle of busy and time is tight. Sense of fear caught a thrilling adds 'hot' scenes you and your partner. There are five locations flirt worthy of you and your partner try. Secured shocking sensation!

1. Elevator
Elevators in tall buildings, especially at night, providing enough time to do a hot scene for a moment with the him. Whether it is down or going up. You can kiss your partner with 'hot' while standing by leaning against the elevator wall. Even so, get ready diintip through security cameras are usually hidden in the upper corner.

2. Cinema
It sounds cliche. But, making out when the movie is playing on the screen is always challenging to try. The room was dark and thunderous audio can also disguise the scene 'hot' you and your partner.

3. The toilets at a nightclub or restaurant
Dating the sweet and endless temptations naughty? Perhaps a dark corner in the club's crowded it can be a place to continue 'delinquency' you both. Or, slip into a quiet restaurant toilet could be an option to enjoy different sensations in the experience of making love you both.

4. Car
Sex on the car is not a new idea. But, still be attractive alternatives to be done. Make sure you park the car in a safe place, and enjoy the togetherness in the limited space.

5. Space Change Clothes
Si invited to accompany him often reluctant to spend. Do not let him get bored waiting, let him accompany you to the locker room. In addition to assessing the clothes will ask you to buy, secuplik hot scene could be inserted in the locker room was. Dare to try?
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lung Cancer drugs found

Lung Cancer drugs found
Lung Cancer drugs found

Australian scientists on Wednesday (16 / 6) announced a new breakthrough in treating lung cancer. They have discovered the nature of proteins involved in cell division. This brings them one step closer to prevent deaths in people who develop lung cancer.

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Pharmacoproteomics Program, the Child Cancer Institute for Medical Research, said the findings are targeting the B3-tubulin - a protein known to maintain the integrity of cell structure - as the key to be able to increase drug sensitivity in small cell lung cancer is not lung. By pressing the B3-tubulin, the sensitivity of cancer to standard chemotherapy drugs can be increased.

The findings have been published in international journals Cancer Research last week. While the Australian biotechnology company, Benitec, is currently developing a treatment specifically focused on the blocking activity of B3-tubulin.
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Cheap cost for Smooth Skin

Cheap cost for Smooth Skin
Cheap cost for Smooth Skin
Almost all women crave healthy skin glow. Not infrequently the beauty clinics rely on to achieve instant results. But, it's expensive.
There is a simple and inexpensive way to create stunning smooth skin. All it takes only a diet rich in nutrient foods for the skin.
As quoted from Yahoo Shine, here are some foods to treat the exposed skin beauty Brierley Wright, a nutritionist at Tufts University.

The content of vitamin C in strawberry has an important role to reduce the effects of aging such as wrinkles and rough dry skin. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007 revealed, vitamin C is useful counteracting free radicals and stimulates collagen formation that give rise to effects that smooth the skin.

Strawberries also contain ellagic acid which may protect the elastic fibers, which is responsible for maintaining the structure intact skin, maintain firmness and skin against destructive enzymes. Other food containing vitamin C is good for the skin, among others, papaya, broccoli, oranges.

Fresh fruits contain lycopene which is beneficial treat skin softness. The study, published in The European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics in 2008 reveals, those who have a high content of lycopene tended to have smooth skin. In addition to tomatoes, increase the levels of lycopene in the body by eating melons and carrots.

The content of isoflavones in soy-based foods like tofu, edamame, and
Tuna and help prevent premature aging. The study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition revealed, isoflavones help prevent damage to collagen.

Eating fish that contain omega 3, such as tuna, salmon, sardines and trout, can help keep skin healthy glow. The content of omega 3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) plays a role in forming collagen.
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Friday, June 4, 2010

women appearance who do not like by men

women appearance who do not like by men
Many women assume, some kind of clothes that judged good and shows the value of fashion will make a man enchanted. However, for men, there are some trends that actually make them not like the appearance of women.
Therefore, you need to know the type of clothing or accessory that many women crazy, but it is not preferred men, as quoted from page

- Harem Pants
Ala rapper MC Hammer pants are back to trend and widely used. For women, pants are quite comfortable to use. But many men who do not like it when used by women.

- Jumpsuit
Jumpsuit is a one-piece dress, a blouse and pants rolled into one. But, wearing a jumpsuit is more troublesome than other types of clothing. This is the reason many men do not like seeing women with clothing that was judged super complicated. This outfit also makes a man hard to see a sexy woman's curves.

- Large Boots
For men, while women wore heavy boots and big, make it look unattractive. So, Be smart in choosing boots.

- Bind head
Headbands, hats, bandana, headband or headband is a long time widely used as an accessory supporting women's appearance. But he prefers when his partner's hair can be stroked without interruption.

- Gladiator Sandals
The form is open and the strings that decorate these shoes become an attraction in itself. However, many men do not like to see women wearing the accessories that make it troublesome. The adam thinks, it takes much time to put on and remove these gladiator sandals.

- Leggings
Despite making it look more sexy feet, many men do not like leggings. The rest, not like women who use the leggings. Even many who do not know what it is leggings.
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LESS EXERCISE caused high blood pressure

LESS EXERCISE caused high blood pressureLESS EXERCISE caused high blood pressure
Lack of physical activity or exercise is one of the main factors of high blood pressure, especially when it begins a passive lifestyle from an early age.
High blood pressure or hypertension is often called the silent disease because it has no specific symptoms. Hypertension is a major cause of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and died young.
In a study published in the journal Hypertension found a third of cases of hypertension can be prevented by increasing physical activity. The study was conducted on 4618 men and women aged 18-30 years who are undergoing long-term research related to cardiovascular disease.
"Those who are physically less active, both based on the answers to the interview or treadmill test results, it turns out the most at risk of hypertension 20 years later," said lead researcher, Mercedes Carnethon, from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, United States.
Regular exercise is one way to keep blood pressure within normal levels. Experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity of medium scale. When the young since this is a way of life, until the old one will usually remain active.
Physical activity is important for controlling high blood pressure because it makes the heart stronger. The heart can pump more blood with less effort. The more light work of the heart to pump blood, the less pressure on the artery.
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How Sweet Banish fad snack

How Sweet Banish fad snack How Sweet Banish fad snack

Maybe you belong to someone who likes to eat when under stress. Unfortunately, the snacks are eaten when the stress is the donut, fried, and all types of fatty foods.
Try to follow these instructions before you start chewing when under stress.

1. Choose the type of complex carbohydrate When under stress, select the type of carbohydrate foods because these nutrients are as tranquilizers by secreting a substance called serotonin. Serotonin is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.

Complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, wheat bread, corn on the cob, or boiled sweet potatoes take longer to digest than the donuts, wafers, pastries, cakes, so that makes us more hungry bear. This will prevent rapid blood sugar decreased due to eating too much sugar. Consumption of sugar makes anxiety so much worse in the long term.

2. Do not get too hungry person who likes to Create a strict diet, hunger will know exactly cause prolonged anxiety became worse. That's because sugar levels are too low, so that the brain was unable to maintain levels of serotonin which makes us so calm.

3. Add omega-3 fatty acids Although not yet conclusive, there is evidence that these essential fatty acids help to overcome anxiety and depression. Source of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, nuts, eggs.

4. Add a multivitamin and mineral deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause the body concerned. Vitamin B works to unlock the energy in food, especially vitamin B6 helps produce serotonin in the brain.

5. Chronic Dehydration supply enough water, even if only mild, can cause anxiety. Make sure your body is always a supply of eight glasses of water a day.

6. Reduce caffeine-Cola, coffee, tea, chocolate, or anything that contains caffeine can make the nervous system is so overwhelmed. Caffeine is causing you to be vigilant. However, if excessive will turn you into a nervous, anxious, and if so make panic worse.

7. Abstinence Alcohol Many people drink alcohol to calm nerves, but the results are exactly opposite. For some, a hangover, insomnia, excessive urination, dehydration is a step towards anxiety. Alcohol can cause panic attacks. Pick fruit juice, one hundred percent, as a wise choice when facing stressful situations.

8. Choose a herbal drink now available in many leading supermarkets choices of herbal tea to calm nerves. Types of herbal tea is chamomile and lemon balm. We recommend that you consult your physician first, especially if you are on medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding.

9. Sports Exercise is also a natural solution to overcome stress and anxiety. Sports relieve muscle tension, reduce blood pressure, and if sufficient, to produce endorphins from the brain. This is the substance that makes you feel happy and relaxed.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

jogging Boost Brain Power

jogging Boost Brain Power
jogging Boost Brain Power
Improving the workings of the brain, can be done with a variety, such as completing a crossword puzzle or eating foods rich in omega 3. In addition, there are other ways to improve brain power, that is by jogging.
According to the research team from Cambridge University, running or jogging triggers the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells in the formation and memory storage.
"We already know that exercise is good for improving health and brain function. This research was conducted to determine the mechanisms and effects, "said Timothy Bussey, researchers from Cambridge, as quoted from India
During the study, researchers watched two groups of rats. The first group of rats had unlimited access to spin the wheel maianan which averaged 24 runs per day kilimeter. Then, groups of mice both its access is restricted to running in the wheel toy.
Rats are placed in front of a computer screen, and faced with two identical boxes together and coexist. According to research, if the mouse to the left elbow with his nose, it will get a reward of sugar pellets. But if nudged to the right, do not get anything.
The rats were then subjected to a memory test, if true, then nudged the box score better. Results showed that rats berlarinya unlimited access, the memory test score higher than a limited access to berlarinya.
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