Be careful if you ask the opinion of friends when choosing clothes. He could pick out clothes that do not suit you, so do not tersaingi appearance. According to a survey conducted by MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk, one in four women will lie to her friends about the dress to make himself look better.
Some even revealing clothes deliberately mennyiram drinks at a friend who considered rival appearance. Experts say the findings suggest women much more competitive and that's the nature of women.
"In biological terms, this is very true. This is about survival and attract the best partner for yourself. Of course women do not want to spoil your own opportunities," says Phillip Hodson, from 'British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy', as quoted from The Daily Mail.
"Women are often not rational and more emotional. Sometimes there is a desire to make others look stupid or silly," he added.
The study involved 1629 women and as many as 38 percent of women tell lies about his appearance when giving an opinion, to improve self-confidence.
Of these, two thirds say to his friend, he looked good when I did not use certain clothing. The rest said his clothes look bad when in fact good. And, it will almost always done because they want to perform better than others.
One out of ten women felt 'intimidated', because the nice clothes that bear his friend. And then, one in five women admitted to not tell his friends when you experience an error in appearance, like a skirt tucked or toilet paper stuck to the shoe. The reason, because they thought it was funny. Fortunately, many are women who give honest opinions to friends about clothes at 36 percent.
"The results show how the clothes can trigger feelings of jealousy. This trend is worrying because it could negatively affect the relations of friendship," said Andy Barr from MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk. source : VIVAnews
Some even revealing clothes deliberately mennyiram drinks at a friend who considered rival appearance. Experts say the findings suggest women much more competitive and that's the nature of women.
"In biological terms, this is very true. This is about survival and attract the best partner for yourself. Of course women do not want to spoil your own opportunities," says Phillip Hodson, from 'British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy', as quoted from The Daily Mail.
"Women are often not rational and more emotional. Sometimes there is a desire to make others look stupid or silly," he added.
The study involved 1629 women and as many as 38 percent of women tell lies about his appearance when giving an opinion, to improve self-confidence.
Of these, two thirds say to his friend, he looked good when I did not use certain clothing. The rest said his clothes look bad when in fact good. And, it will almost always done because they want to perform better than others.
One out of ten women felt 'intimidated', because the nice clothes that bear his friend. And then, one in five women admitted to not tell his friends when you experience an error in appearance, like a skirt tucked or toilet paper stuck to the shoe. The reason, because they thought it was funny. Fortunately, many are women who give honest opinions to friends about clothes at 36 percent.
"The results show how the clothes can trigger feelings of jealousy. This trend is worrying because it could negatively affect the relations of friendship," said Andy Barr from MyCelebrityFashion.co.uk. source : VIVAnews
world's women: Frequently Lie revealed Friend
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