studiz - study : Big hips, Weak Memory
healthy cases
healthy cases
Large hip sizes not only complicate the model selection of clothes, but also affect a woman's memory. How?
The literature has revealed the adverse effect of overweight. Piles of fat in the waist area already known to increase risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease. Well, the size of a large hip, according to a team of researchers from the Northwestern Medicine, associated with poor memory abilities.
The conclusion comes from a study involving 8745 postmenopausal women aged 65-79 years. They were asked to fill a memory-related tests so doctors can assess brain function. The participants were also measured body mass index (BMI). Nearly two-thirds are overweight or obese participants.
The researchers found that every point increase in BMI, the test scores of their memory capacity is also down one point. And, participants who have a pear shape (small waist, but wide hips) had the worst score.
According to experts, it is associated with a type of fat that accumulate on the hips with the abdomen. Section, different types of fat will release different hormones and also have varying effects on insulin resistance, lipids and blood pressure.
The fats may be associated with the occurrence of plaques that trigger Alzheimer's disease or blockage of blood circulation to the brain, "said Dr. Diana Kerwin. Indeed we can not change our body shape, but we can control weight, he said.
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studiz - study : Big hips, Weak Memory
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