Human Relation - Abide In Relations Without Love
There are women who experience distress in a relationship. There is also an ambivalent lover. In fact, there are a victim of abuse by their partner. But, why many of them are still willing to maintain the relationship in such tragic circumstances?
As quoted from allwomenstalk.com, eight is probably the underlying reason for many people willing to stay in a relationship without love.
1. Can not escape
This condition often experienced by those who experienced off and on relationship. Although never felt so hurt that cut, but ultimately easy to reconcile and forgive. Sometimes, these relationships can have good results, but many of them end up miserable.
2. Fear of Abandonment
Some people feel afraid to leave because they have experience or disgrace together. They were afraid that if after the break, he will expose all the ugliness or bad behavior ever done together.
3. He's too charming
Melenakan handsome face indeed. Have a beautiful pair can sometimes be the pride and add confidence. Many people are scared off because of fear will not get a replacement gorgeous. Although the relationship was colored painful cases that 'takes care', many people are willing to stay in it.
4. Social reasons
Some women stay in relationships that hurt because of social reasons. This often happens when the couple shared the same friends. They feel that if they ended their relationship, they should get new friends.
5. Scared stress
She could not get out of that relationship because he feared what would happen if he left. Many are lured imagination in movies, where many people heartbroken difficult to control his emotions and ultimately doomed.
6. There's nothing to lean on
Women have no place to go and they do not know what to do. They have no home and no idea where to turn. There is always a shelter for women who are beaten and tortured that you can make as a shelter.
7. Easy to feel like a woman
From time to time, women think that they are causing problems. They think the reason they cheated on their husbands or boyfriends is because they do not spend enough time with the family or the boyfriend, or it may be incompetent to take care of the family. Therefore, many women admit his mistake in any relationship.
8. Child
We all know that one of the main reasons women stay in relationships if there is pain because of the child. They generally do not want their children become victims of divorce. And be careful when deciding divorce, because divorce can create trauma in children.
Tag : Human Relation, case study, psychologist, relationship.
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Abide In Relations Without Love
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