everyday have Toothbrush, Avoid Disease
The mouth is the easiest entrance for bacteria, because it must be guarded day twice.
If you are still reluctant to brush their teeth twice a day, especially before sleeping at night, then you should change your health if you do not want disturbed.
Based on research in Scotland on more than 11,000 people, the risk of heart disease increases if you do not brush their teeth twice a day. You can imagine, if the food is placed outside for 8 hours can be overgrown with bacteria, especially isa-scraps left for 8 hours (average hours of sleep) in the mouth. Therefore, do not be surprised if when you wake up the morning of your mouth was sour and smells like garbage because the process of decay has begun in your mouth.
If it happens, it means in your mouth there is a colony-colonies of bacteria and other disease-carrying bacteria. Accumulation of these bacteria can lead to inflammation. If inflammation occurs in your oral cavity, oral cavity, the various problems you'll get, like thrush, odor and toothache. If occurs in the throat it can cause coughing, sore throat until your breathing disorders! Some experts found that the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth can trigger inflammation that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
everyday have Toothbrush, Avoid Disease
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