5 Signs - You Can not Control Anger
there is a difference between someone who is angry with the problem in controlling emotions. Dr. Redford Williams, professor of psychology at Duke University Medical Center, the United States and author of 'In Control' revealed five differences.
If the following signs experienced by you should consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.
1. Big angry because of minor problems
Anger can have a positive effect. "Often anger tells us to do an act," said Dr. Williams, as quoted from cbsnews.com. However, if the sense of anger and explosive appeared only because of small problems, can be a sign that someone is experiencing difficulty in controlling his emotions.
2. Interruptions
Someone who is angry will tend to be people who can not wait. Especially if you can not control his temper. That person would be problematic to wait for other people their opinions. Things to do then is always interrupted. Although he remained silent and let others speak, actually she did not listen.
3. Always protest
According to Dr. Williams, who spent the time to complain about violations and shortcomings of others may have a problem with anger. Some people are angry with the rude words to talk about politics, sports or other things. All of the poison came from the same source of anger.
4. It's hard to forgive
Personal relationships can be a nightmare when someone is having trouble forgiving someone who has hurt him in the past. People with anger problems often have difficulty in forgiving others. Instead, they continue to come back on the experience of frustration and hatred hurts every time to remember the error.
5. Blushing
When emotions rise, the face can be seen in red. When a red face, if measured with a thermometer in a state of high body temperature. Anger is a clear effect of body and mind. In fact, many studies have shown that people who are often angry tend to have high blood pressure and suffered a stroke or heart attack.
tag : Healthy, Human Relation, overcome, study cases, psychologist, case study, relationship.
5 Signs - You Can not Control Anger
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