study cases: why employees do not work effectively
we certainly have seen employees who enjoy doing activities that do not relate to the tasks and responsibilities. for example: Chatting, chatting, facebookan or shopping at work during working hours.
If you were a leader in a company where you work, especially if you're a woman with half of the male subordinate, you need to know the cause of this problem. That way you can make a solution to solving the problem. although this was not his day when the gender question, but some men tend to still do not want to be women.
the idea of healthy behaviors should be applied here to overcome situation :
This is the cause and appropriate solution to it:
1. Lack of motivation
People eager to do something in accordance with the duties and responsibilities, because it is driven by motivation. Therefore, keep the motivation. Bear in self-subordinate, what's the impact if they are negligent of the duties and responsibilities. And what reward would be obtained if they work properly and satisfactorily.
2. Do not like the task delegated
When you love something, we certainly will do my best. Sometimes, because the feeling is not in accordance with the educational background, experience and position, one is forced to accept a given task. Though not really like.
in the case, reassure your employees that any duties assigned by the company, it's best for the company and for him. Reassure them, the task is very important and can influence whether or not the company where he developed a living.
3. Effect of virtual worlds
Can not be denied, this time the Internet is something that most seductive. For, through the virtual world, people can access anything. Block sites not important, and limit the use of computers only to parts which do need the internet.
4. Influence of friends
This case is somewhat difficult to handle, because you can not forbid people get along with anyone. The only way is, if in between your employees there who likes to spread a negative influence, remind him and control as much as possible. If he is proven effective to make the other employees did not work, give a warning. If she does not want change, mutate the employee as learning. human relation hard to learned.
5. Weekend
as usual has a morale officer on Monday-Thursday. On Friday, because Saturday most holiday office, which exist in the minds of most employees is a way of spending the holiday weekend. Akibatnyam every Friday rhythms of lower employment. Heightened surveillance on the day of 'vulnerable', and make sure they work as usual.
why employees do not work effectively
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