recipe healthy - realy dangerous - this unexpectedly small objects, apparently had a fatal effect, if we still keep it in our body,
study cases - diseases - worm - healthy - overcome.
Mine worms, although the size of this worm is not much but rather make our blood run out, about 15 ml of blood we will be smoked each day. The most serious consequences if we continue to maintain these worms in our body is non Nutritional Anemia, fatal if we're in contract bezi Nutritional Anemia, chronic anemia can occur with a period of rapid in ourselves.
Here is a feature - the physiological characteristics of hookworm:
according to wikipedia on hookworm:
Hookworm is a parasitic worm (nematode) that lives on its host small intestine, human. There are two species of hookworms commonly infect humans, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus. Necator americanus are found in America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, China, and Indonesia, while A. duodenale more in the Middle East, North Africa, India and southern Europe. About a quarter of world population infected by hookworm. Infections most often found in areas with warm and humid, with the level of poor hygiene. infective form of the worm it is a form filariform. After the worms are hatched from eggs, larvae emerge rhabditiform which will then develop into larvae filarifor.
A suitable solution to overcome this disaster is to adopt a passive multiple health behavior, the authors as follows, based on the review of courses are being run in kampuz Nutrition. :
1. Wash your hands first.
The First To do, the word for washing hands, this work is the beginning of terpokok if you want to stay healthy, why not ..??? wherever and whenever there are bacteria or microorganisms selalau ready to go against 70% of our body the right broker is out of the hands, for that hand washing is one of the most appropriate preventive measures. Washing hands is not something very unusual, you can searcing cucitangan on google about how good, or been there in the first lesson in elementary school.
2. If your mother, watch and watch your child play in the land.
From sifats his life, living on a land mine cacaing, very quickly spread through the skin, through the epidermis skin up to the top last, the child - the child would be very easy for the media used for the life of the hookworm. For that you need to supervise children when playing on the ground or on the home page which allows the existence of hookworm. If your child is already spoiled, do preventive activities is clear all of the child from the ground after the play.
3. Clean Clothes and places.
Back again to the previous theory that microbes cause infections there, where - where, even places as well as our clothes that look bersihpun might have germs - germs that are harmful to health. Thus, sanitation and hygiene Hygiene or your place is very necessary to maintain your health and your family.
nice post. thanks.
hookworm - Fares worms suck 15 ml blood in the body
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