Mental Disorder or Mental Disorder is a syndrome or pattern of behavior, or psychological someone who is clinically meaningful enough, and are typically associated with any symptoms of pain or disturbance in one or more vital functions of humans. Additionally, it concluded that the dysfunction is dysfunction in terms of behavioral, psychological or biological, and disturbance is not solely located within the relationships between people with the community (Rusdi Maslim, 1998).
study cases
Classification of Mental Disorder
Classification of psychiatry involves differentiation of normal from abnormal behavior. In this case the normal and abnormal may mean healthy and sick, but it can also be used in another sense. A number of psychiatric symptoms differs sharply from the normal and almost always indicates disease (Ingram et al., 1993): Mental disorders are divided into two major mental disorders, ie mental illness and mental disability. Mental disability which includes a state of intellectual deficit and has been there since birth or at an early age. Mental disease implies that the previous health, disease or disorder that develops later in life manifest
Mental illness in principle divided into psikoneurosis and psychosis. This category in accordance with the laity about the anxiety and madness. Psikoneurosis is a common condition whose symptoms can be understood and can diempati. Psychosis is an illness whose symptoms can not be understood and can not be diempati and clients often lose contact with reality.
The term functional and organic diseases indicate etiology and used to divide psychosis. Functional psychosis disorder means there is a function, without pathological abnormalities which can be proved
Causes of Mental Disorder
The main symptoms or symptoms of mental disorder are prominent in the psychological element, but the main reason may be in the body (somatogenik), in the social environment (sosiogenik) or psychological (psychogenic), (Maramis, 1994). Usually there is no single cause, but some of the causes as well as from the various elements that influence each other or accident occur together, then emerge the soul or body disorders.
Various Kinds of Mental Disorder
Mental disorder means that the salient is that psychological symptoms of psychological elements (Maramis, 1994). Various kinds of mental disorders (Rusdi Maslim, 1998): organic and symptomatic mental disorders, schizophrenia, disturbance and disorder skizotipal supposition, feeling mood disorders, neurotic disorders, somatoform disorders, behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors, personality disorders and behavior in adulthood, mental retardation, developmental disorders of psychological, behavioral and emotional disorders with onset during childhood and adolescence.
1). Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is the most severe forms of functional psychosis, and caused disorganization of the largest personalities. Schizophrenia is also a form of psychosis that is often encountered everywhere since time immemorial. Nevertheless our knowledge of the whys and wherefores and patogenisanya very less (Maramis, 1994). In severe cases, clients do not have contacts with reality, so that abnormal thinking and behavior. Travel this disease will gradually moving towards kronisitas, but once again could arise attacks. Perfect recovery can rarely occur spontaneously, and if not treated usually end up with a damaged personality "defects" (Ingram et al., 1995).
2). Depression
Depression is one of the functions of human disturbance associated with the natural feelings of sadness and penyertanya symptoms, including changes in sleep patterns and appetite, psychomotor, concentration, fatigue, sense of hopelessness and helplessness, and suicidal ideas (Kaplan, 1998). Depression can also be interpreted as one form of mental disorder in nature which is marked by feelings of depression, freedom, absence of passion, feeling useless, hopeless, etc. (Hawari, in 1997). Depression is a feeling of sadness and suffering associated with. Attacks could be directed at themselves or angry feelings deep (Nugroho, 2000). Depression is a pathological disturbance of mood has a characteristic form of a variety of feelings, attitudes and beliefs that a person living alone, pessimism, hopelessness, lack of empowerment, low self esteem, guilt, negative expectations and fear of danger to come. Depression is sadness that resembles a normal feeling that comes as a result of certain situations such as death of loved ones. Instead of feeling of ignorance will lose someone would refuse to lose and show signs of sadness with depression (Rawlins et al., 1993). Individuals who suffer from mood feeling (mood) that depression will usually lose interest and excitement, and reduced energy leading to fatigue and reduced state aktiftas (MOH, 1993). Depression is considered normal for a lot of stress and abnormal life only if he is not comparable with the causes and events continue until the point where most people begin to recover (Atkinson, 2000).
3). Worry
Psychic experience of anxiety as a normal and reasonable, having experienced by everyone in order to encourage individuals to overcome their problems best, Maslim (1991). A state of a person to feel worried and afraid as a form of reaction from non-specific threats (Rawlins 1993). The cause and source is usually not known or not known. The intensity of the anxiety level of anxiety is distinguished from mild to severe levels. According to Sundeen (1995) identifies the range responses into four levels of anxiety which comprises, kecemasn mild, moderate, severe anxiety and panic.
4). Personality Disorders
Clinic showed that personality disorder symptoms (psikopatia) and symptoms nerosa shaped nearly the same in people with high or low intelligence. So may be said that personality disorders, and disruption nerosa a large part of intelligence is not dependent on one another or are not correlated. Classification of personality disorders: paranoid personality, affective or siklotemik personality, personality skizoid, axplosif personality, personalities or obsessive-konpulsif anankastik, kepridian histerik, astenik personality, antisocial personality, passive aggressive personality, personality inadequat, Maslim (1998).
5). Organic Mental Disorders
Is that a psychotic mental disorder or non-psychotic disorders caused by brain tissue function (Maramis, 1994). Impaired function of this brain tissue can be caused by bodily disease which primarily related to the brain or mainly outside the brain. When the affected part of the brain was large, the basic disturbance of mental function is the same, not depending on the disease caused when only part of the brain with specific functions are disturbed, then this is what determines the location of symptoms and syndromes, not diseases that cause it. The division became more psychotic and not psychotic showed severe brain disorder in a particular disease rather than the division of acute and chronic.
6). Psychosomatic Disorders
Is a psychological component that followed bodily dysfunction (Maramis, 1994). It often happens that neurotic developments showed mostly or solely due to malfunctioning of organs controlled by the vegetative nervous system. Psychosomatic disorders can be equated with what is called the first neurosa organs. Because usually only the affected faaliah function, so often referred to as psikofisiologik disorders.
7). Mental Retardation
Mental retardation is a state of mental development is interrupted or incomplete, which is mainly characterized by the occurrence hendaya during the development of skills, so the effect on the overall level of intelligence, eg cognitive ability, language, motor and social (Maslim, 1998).
8). The Behavior Disorders of Children and Adolescents.
Children with behavioral disorders who do not behave in accordance with the request, habits or norms of society (Maramis, 1994). Children with behavioral disorders may cause difficulties in the upbringing and education. Behavioral disturbances may come from a child or perhaps from its surroundings, but eventually both of these factors affect each other. It is known that the characteristics and shape of the body as well as a general personality trait that can be derived from parent to child. On brain disorders such as head trauma, ensepalitis, neoplasms can cause personality changes. Environmental factors can also affect children's behavior, and often more decisive because the environment can be changed, it is thus that behavior disorders may be affected or prevented.
study cases
Classification of Mental Disorder
Classification of psychiatry involves differentiation of normal from abnormal behavior. In this case the normal and abnormal may mean healthy and sick, but it can also be used in another sense. A number of psychiatric symptoms differs sharply from the normal and almost always indicates disease (Ingram et al., 1993): Mental disorders are divided into two major mental disorders, ie mental illness and mental disability. Mental disability which includes a state of intellectual deficit and has been there since birth or at an early age. Mental disease implies that the previous health, disease or disorder that develops later in life manifest
Mental illness in principle divided into psikoneurosis and psychosis. This category in accordance with the laity about the anxiety and madness. Psikoneurosis is a common condition whose symptoms can be understood and can diempati. Psychosis is an illness whose symptoms can not be understood and can not be diempati and clients often lose contact with reality.
The term functional and organic diseases indicate etiology and used to divide psychosis. Functional psychosis disorder means there is a function, without pathological abnormalities which can be proved
Causes of Mental Disorder
The main symptoms or symptoms of mental disorder are prominent in the psychological element, but the main reason may be in the body (somatogenik), in the social environment (sosiogenik) or psychological (psychogenic), (Maramis, 1994). Usually there is no single cause, but some of the causes as well as from the various elements that influence each other or accident occur together, then emerge the soul or body disorders.
Various Kinds of Mental Disorder
Mental disorder means that the salient is that psychological symptoms of psychological elements (Maramis, 1994). Various kinds of mental disorders (Rusdi Maslim, 1998): organic and symptomatic mental disorders, schizophrenia, disturbance and disorder skizotipal supposition, feeling mood disorders, neurotic disorders, somatoform disorders, behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors, personality disorders and behavior in adulthood, mental retardation, developmental disorders of psychological, behavioral and emotional disorders with onset during childhood and adolescence.
1). Schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is the most severe forms of functional psychosis, and caused disorganization of the largest personalities. Schizophrenia is also a form of psychosis that is often encountered everywhere since time immemorial. Nevertheless our knowledge of the whys and wherefores and patogenisanya very less (Maramis, 1994). In severe cases, clients do not have contacts with reality, so that abnormal thinking and behavior. Travel this disease will gradually moving towards kronisitas, but once again could arise attacks. Perfect recovery can rarely occur spontaneously, and if not treated usually end up with a damaged personality "defects" (Ingram et al., 1995).
2). Depression
Depression is one of the functions of human disturbance associated with the natural feelings of sadness and penyertanya symptoms, including changes in sleep patterns and appetite, psychomotor, concentration, fatigue, sense of hopelessness and helplessness, and suicidal ideas (Kaplan, 1998). Depression can also be interpreted as one form of mental disorder in nature which is marked by feelings of depression, freedom, absence of passion, feeling useless, hopeless, etc. (Hawari, in 1997). Depression is a feeling of sadness and suffering associated with. Attacks could be directed at themselves or angry feelings deep (Nugroho, 2000). Depression is a pathological disturbance of mood has a characteristic form of a variety of feelings, attitudes and beliefs that a person living alone, pessimism, hopelessness, lack of empowerment, low self esteem, guilt, negative expectations and fear of danger to come. Depression is sadness that resembles a normal feeling that comes as a result of certain situations such as death of loved ones. Instead of feeling of ignorance will lose someone would refuse to lose and show signs of sadness with depression (Rawlins et al., 1993). Individuals who suffer from mood feeling (mood) that depression will usually lose interest and excitement, and reduced energy leading to fatigue and reduced state aktiftas (MOH, 1993). Depression is considered normal for a lot of stress and abnormal life only if he is not comparable with the causes and events continue until the point where most people begin to recover (Atkinson, 2000).
3). Worry
Psychic experience of anxiety as a normal and reasonable, having experienced by everyone in order to encourage individuals to overcome their problems best, Maslim (1991). A state of a person to feel worried and afraid as a form of reaction from non-specific threats (Rawlins 1993). The cause and source is usually not known or not known. The intensity of the anxiety level of anxiety is distinguished from mild to severe levels. According to Sundeen (1995) identifies the range responses into four levels of anxiety which comprises, kecemasn mild, moderate, severe anxiety and panic.
4). Personality Disorders
Clinic showed that personality disorder symptoms (psikopatia) and symptoms nerosa shaped nearly the same in people with high or low intelligence. So may be said that personality disorders, and disruption nerosa a large part of intelligence is not dependent on one another or are not correlated. Classification of personality disorders: paranoid personality, affective or siklotemik personality, personality skizoid, axplosif personality, personalities or obsessive-konpulsif anankastik, kepridian histerik, astenik personality, antisocial personality, passive aggressive personality, personality inadequat, Maslim (1998).
5). Organic Mental Disorders
Is that a psychotic mental disorder or non-psychotic disorders caused by brain tissue function (Maramis, 1994). Impaired function of this brain tissue can be caused by bodily disease which primarily related to the brain or mainly outside the brain. When the affected part of the brain was large, the basic disturbance of mental function is the same, not depending on the disease caused when only part of the brain with specific functions are disturbed, then this is what determines the location of symptoms and syndromes, not diseases that cause it. The division became more psychotic and not psychotic showed severe brain disorder in a particular disease rather than the division of acute and chronic.
6). Psychosomatic Disorders
Is a psychological component that followed bodily dysfunction (Maramis, 1994). It often happens that neurotic developments showed mostly or solely due to malfunctioning of organs controlled by the vegetative nervous system. Psychosomatic disorders can be equated with what is called the first neurosa organs. Because usually only the affected faaliah function, so often referred to as psikofisiologik disorders.
7). Mental Retardation
Mental retardation is a state of mental development is interrupted or incomplete, which is mainly characterized by the occurrence hendaya during the development of skills, so the effect on the overall level of intelligence, eg cognitive ability, language, motor and social (Maslim, 1998).
8). The Behavior Disorders of Children and Adolescents.
Children with behavioral disorders who do not behave in accordance with the request, habits or norms of society (Maramis, 1994). Children with behavioral disorders may cause difficulties in the upbringing and education. Behavioral disturbances may come from a child or perhaps from its surroundings, but eventually both of these factors affect each other. It is known that the characteristics and shape of the body as well as a general personality trait that can be derived from parent to child. On brain disorders such as head trauma, ensepalitis, neoplasms can cause personality changes. Environmental factors can also affect children's behavior, and often more decisive because the environment can be changed, it is thus that behavior disorders may be affected or prevented.
study case - Mental Disorder
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